Well, she got the himbo she wanted…



The Pokemon all *POF* out of their Pokeballs.
Corinth: Yahoo! We finally made it to a real city! Welcome to M–
Corinth: wait a second
Cutiefly: I– er– you see–
(Sera: wow it IS smelly)
Cutiefly: Well– you see– they said there was a rare Pokemon sighting, and–
Corinth: SHUSH. WHO. IS. THAT.
A muscular, tailless, humanoid Galarian Slowpoke stands facing away from the viewer. The back of his T-shirt says ” — FEW CAN AFFORD.”
Chatot: Sir! Uhh, sir! Hellooo? You’re blocking the entrance! Sir!
Slowpoke: *turns around* … Huh?
Corinth: GAAAAASP!
Corinth: Oh, I am taking you HOME! <3 <3 <3
Slowpoke: oh. okay
Corinth hovers around the station snuggling her new boyfriend. The front of his shirt can now be seen, reading “ISLE OF ARMOR TIX –“
(Chatot: Hey! You’re still blocking the entrance!)
A voice calls to Cutiefly from elsewhere in the station.
???: Ohh heeey, are you a Trainer~?
((give you one guess who that’s going to be….))

… turns out I *had* encountered a Pokemon in this area already. (I think it was the Dappled Grove and I didn’t recognize it because it had been hailing when I caught Sera.) So “The Queen” was released back into her natural habitat without incident. ============================== TRANSCRIPT: Combee: Please help me, Pikachu! I-I broke my wing, and now I can’t find my way back to my hive…! Please…! *sob* Bigachu: Of course I’ll escort you there, my lady. Cutiefly: … Combee: T-thank you so much! Bigachu: up you go Cutiefly: … Combee: I’m still not used to this body… t-three voices in one head is too much–! Bigachu: Yikes, that sounds stressful. Y ou’ve sure got it rough! Combee: Haha… it’s not all bad… Cutiefly: … Combee: Oh! There’s my hive! A trio of male Combee: MY QUEEN! MY QUEEN! MY QUEEN! Combee: Oh, my dear Combee! I’m so relieved to be back…! I’ve missed you all! male Combee: MY QUEEN! MY QUEEN! MY QUEEN! Cutiefly: … Combee: Everyone say thank you to the big Pikachu! Bigachu: ビガチュウ- male Combee: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Cutiefly: …
It’s me again. Here’s the start of the next chapter of my Pokemon Sword Nuzlocke comic! If you don’t know what a Nuzlocke is, click here: [jk this doesn’t exist yet. link will go here] This mini-arc is based on a real encounter I had within the game. I came across a wild Combee in the Wild Area – but hadn’t been paying attention to the map to remember if I’d encountered a Pokemon there yet or not…. [to be continued…] ============================ TRANSCRIPT: Nurse Joy (Blissey): Thanks for waiting! Your Pokemon have been fully healed <3 Cutiefly: Thank youuuu ~ Nurse Joy: By the way, I heard there’s a rare Pokemon at Wedgehurst Station…! Cutiefly: say what now = THE WILD AREA (AGAIN) = Cutiefly: okay this is JUST a quick trip to the station – no detours. Everyone else is back in their Poke Balls so this is just me and you. Got it? Bigachu: Got it. A voice from the bushes: HEEEELP! HELP, PLEASE! Cutiefly: Hey, I said no deto— Cutiefly: *is silenced by a single finger from Bigachu* mmph! Bigachu, pragmatically: Never ignore a cry for help. Cutiefly: *flails* B-but what if it’s a trap? Bigachu: Aha! There you are! Combee: !!!!