Chapter: SWORDLOCKE ch.4
Cutiefly: s-so we back in the mines…
Cutiefly: got our pickaxe swinging from side to side…
Cutiefly: side-side to side…
Cutiefly: This task a grueling one… uhh…
Cutiefly: Wait I have no idea what the rest of the lyrics a–
???: Hope to find some diamonds to night, night-night, diamonds tonight~
Cutiefly: Oh– Hello?
Cutiefly: Who’s there?
???: Heeeeads up, you hear a sound, turn around and look up
Cutiefly: Are you– OOF!
???: Oh, so THAT’S who was singing! Here, let me take that blindfold off for you!
Cutiefly: Oh… thanks!
???: No problem bro! Anything for a fellow ‘Crafter!
A gijinka Timburr is standing in front of a blocky Minecraft house.
Cutiefly: Oh! I think… perhaps you’re in the wrong game…!