Cutiefly: *from offscreen* Leeroy! Corinth! Where did you go?
Leeroy: Gasp! Cutiefly!
Corinth: That’s our trainer. Well, “trainer.”
Cutiefly: There you are! I’ve been worried sick–
Leeroy: *gesturing to Hacker* Ta-daaa! Check it out!
Corinth: A new team member!
Hacker: Hi.
Cutiefly: I–Never mind that! I don’t want you to ever go sneaking off without me! What if you’d been hurt? *grabs Leeroy’s cheek*
Leeroy: Ugh.. Sorry, Mum.
Corinth: Told you it was a bad idea.
Cutiefly: I know I may not be bigger and stronger than you right now- but I can still protect you as your Trainer! I know Pokemon battles like the back of my hand! And you guys.. You’re just so young..
Hacker: Well said, Trainer.
Cutiefly: Thanks, uh..
Hacker: Hacker.
Cutiefly: Hacker? Why Hacker?
Hacker: *shrug* Sounds cool.
Cutiefly: Fair enough! So, team, why don’t we face some battles.. together?
Leeroy: Yeah!
Cutiefly: Yeah!
Hacker: Okay. [A FEW MINUTES LATER..]
Leeroy: *huff* I- I can keep going..
Cutiefly: Aaah my babies!
Corinth: You’ll never take me alive! *ZIP* [evolution-> Metapod]
Hacker: eugh, dog slobber.

Published On: May 10, 2024

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