Thanks for reading, everyone! Hopefully I’ll have a new page or two for you next week – might be a little difficult since these huge pages don’t fit in the school scanner in one piece. That means…. more editing. Eugh. I’ll do it though. I’ll do it for you.
Eldegoss: Now, face the might of my plant magic–
Eldegoss is swiftly being overtaken by flames.
Eldegoss: Eh?
A huge burst of flame erupts from the Turffield Stadium. KRA-TOOM
Cutiefly: Hah… so far…
Leeroy: Huh… What a weird-looking badge…
Corinth: Um, it’s SUPPOSED to go in here–! Let me do it!
Leeroy: No way! I won it!
Corinth: We BOTH won it, Leeroy!
Leeroy: Suuuuure…
[End Ch. Four]